
The Third Pacific Optimisation Conference (POC2023)
发布时间:2023-06-26    浏览次数:898

The Third Pacific Optimisation Conference (POC2023) will be held from 9 to 11 December 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is organised by the School of Mathematical Sciences, Sunway University, Malaysia.

POC2023 is a continuation of POC2017, held from 5 to 7 December 2017 in Perth, Australia. POCs are the successions of the highly successful Sino-Japanese Optimization Meeting (SJOM) conference series. The SJOM conferences were held in Hong Kong (2000), Kyoto (2002), Singapore (2005), Tainan (2008) and Beijing (2011). At SJOM 2011, the Steering Committee decided to change the SJOM conferences’ title to POC in order to reflect the wide geographical distribution of the participants of these conferences. The First and Second POC were held in Wuxi, China (2014) and Perth (2017), respectively. 

POC2023 aims to provide a forum for scientists, researchers, software developers, and practitioners to exchange ideas and state-of-the-art approaches on all issues and topics related to optimisation and control as well as their applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, those listed below: 

  • Optimal Control Theory, Methods and Applications  

  • Combinatorial and Mixed Integer Optimisation 

  • Conic Optimisation 

  • Derivative‐free Optimisation 

  • Equilibrium Problems, Complementary Problems, Variational Inequalities   

  • Graphs and Networks 

  • Non-linear Optimisation 

  • PDE Based Optimisation 

  • Polynomial and SoS Optimisation 

  • Stochastic and Robust Optimisation 

  • Optimisation in Engineering 

  • Quantum Computing Optimisation 

  • Supply Chain Optimisation 

  • Applications in Health Care 

  • Applications in Energy Networks and Renewable Resources 

  • Applications in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 

  • Applications in Education 

  • Registration Fees

  • Category Type Registration Fee
    Local Regular MYR 1,400

    Student MYR 1,000
    International Regular USD 380

    Student USD 250
  • The registration fee covers conference materials, lunches, tea breaks and a conference banquet.

  • Before paying the registration fee, you must submit your abstract (for presenters and special sessions) or register (for participants) for the conference at POC2023 Abstract Submission and Participant Registration.

    Should you have any inquiries about the conference, please contact the Secretariat of POC2023 at poc2023@sunway.edu.my or poc2023my@gmail.com.

